Tags Apple Pay

Tag: Apple Pay

PSR and FCA explore the impact of digital wallets on UK...

The Payments Systems Regulator (PSR) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have jointly initiated a call for information to assess the rapidly growing influence...

Biometrics to secure over $3trn in mobile payments by 2025

Biometrics will be used to authenticate over $3trn mobile payments around the world by 2025, according to a new study from Juniper Research

German regulators may force Apple to open up its tech to...

Apple is not happy. The Cupertino-based tech titan may soon find itself being forced to allow rival payment providers to get access to its technology after German’s parliament voted in favour of new regulations.

EU antitrust regulators put Apple Pay in its crosshairs

Apple is about to face more scrutiny from European regulators about whether or not the tech titan asked online sales companies to use Apple Pay rather than rival payment services.

JP Morgan Chase buys tech behind failed CurrentC

JP Morgan Chase is ramping up its mobile payments offering through the acquisition of MCX’s payments technology.

Apple Pay grows 500% year on year thanks to global expansion

Apple’s Q3 2016 results may be overshadowed by its third straight quarter of declining revenue but Apple Pay registered strong growth over the period.

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